Community Planning
In order to make progress creating a healthier community for everyone, we must all work together. Public health can only be as strong as the community that supports it. Together we can collect and analyze data, listen to each other's stories, and use our individual and collective expertise to build the environment where everyone can live their healthiest life.
Community Reports
Community Health Needs Assessment, Phelps Health, 2022
Missouri State Health Assessment, MO DHSS, 2024
Missouri Opioid Overdose and Bloodborne Infection Vulnerability Assessments, MO DHSS, 2022
Multi-Jurisdiction Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan - Maries County, MRPC, 2019
Multi-Jurisdiction Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan - Phelps County, MRPC, 2021
Substance Use Community Needs Assessment for Crawford, Dent, Maries, and Phelps Counties, MRPC, 2020
Emergency Planning and Response
Floods, fires, ice storms, tornadoes, the COVID pandemic — our community is at risk for many different types of emergencies.
Our team of professional staff work consistently to prepare for emergencies. We plan and practice how we would provide vaccinations or medication to everyone in our community if your health was at risk. We work with our partners to plan how we would help support a shelter for people who were displaced by a disaster. We plan how to quickly respond to a power outage that impacted our food establishments or drinking water supply
You can help make our community more resilient by developing an emergency response plan for your family. You should have enough water, food and other supplies on hand to take care of yourselves for at least three full days. You also need to plan how to contact each other if you are separated from family members when a disaster happens.
We're working with our partners to assure a more resilient community.
Medical Reserve Corps
The South-Central Missouri Chapter of the Medical Reserve Corps assists local public health departments by providing a volunteer base of medical professionals and non-professionals who are trained in managing health care response to local and regional disasters such as pandemic, tornado, flood or release of toxic chemicals.
Volunteers also assist with community-based projects such as back-to-school fairs and other events as requested. These non-emergency projects help volunteers stay active and hone teamwork and communication skills.
The volunteer program focuses on preparing for four missions:
Alternative psychiatric triage and treatment facility to free up emergency room space and a hospital wing dedicated to psychiatry during a mass casualty event.
Mass immunization or prophylaxis at various sites throughout the counties in Missouri's Region I.
Provide special needs shelter support in Region I or in deployments throughout Missouri.
Provide a ready and able body of non-licensed volunteers to assist in managing care for a mass casualty event.
If you are interested in joining the South-Central Missouri Medical Reserve Corps, call the Pulaski County Health Center at (573) 736-2217.
Preparing to respond to emergencies in our community.